

As I slumber in my bed,
you appear inside my head.
I wonder are you really there,
reaching out to stroke my hair.

Tossing, turning, I must fight.
Or this become the endless night.
Stay away, please touch me not,
this must be my only thought.

Is this all, just some bad dream?
If I open my eyes, have I reason to scream?
Do you stand beside my bed?
Or is this all inside my head?

The price to pay, eternal night.
To hear your whispered words, I might.
Maybe, I should take the chance,
reach for you, and dance the dance.

I watch you reaching out for me,
it's in my mind but I can see.
Expose my throat, I have no fear.
Gently take me, hold me near.

Whisper softly make things right.
My soul is yours to take this night.
If I falter, take me in.
Let the endless night begin.

April 1997

Always A Way Home

Poetry Index

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