A Native version of the Twenty Third Psalm

Father, guardian of earth and the heavens.
Along with all things, I am your creation.
You are the tree of life, I am a branch.
Flowering, thankful and contented.

The marvels, the natural elements You have made,
I am in wonder, and reverence about them.
Through Your love and guidance,
You give me a precious vine to hold onto.
It is the thread of life to follow.
It leads me satisfied among the fragrant meadows and calm waters.
It is you who has provided the fruits of life and I am happy.

You provide my sustenance, nourishment.
From the land, the waters and the air.
I am blessed, I give thanks for all.
I am satisfied, my bowl is plenty.
You are the Spirit at our center.

With you I am strong, my heart good.
Sometimes it is not easy, this life's road.
Sometimes I fall, tested.
You give me strength and direction to carry on.
To pursue a path of goodness,
And to care for others.

Life is but a part of the cycle.
A beginning.
As with all things in time,
I know I must leave behind this Earthly life,
Entering another journey.
That I shall travel with no fear,
For You are with me,
Now, then, and forever.

Bad times come with the good, but good will prevail.
I speak from the heart.
I have done my best to follow the good path.
Ready for the next journey.
I am prepared.
It is then, in the great heavenly lodge,
Rejoining my relatives, with pride in a life liven.
That I will humbly present myself Spirit Father.
In heaven, as on Earth.....
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Used with the kind permision of David A. Johnson.
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