This is a 32 Count - 4 wall line dance.
1-2-3-4 Walk forward, (right,left,right) kick forward left
5-6-7 Walk backwards, (left,right,left)
8 Step back on right foot, crossing left over & in front of the right, on a
*quick quick* count.
9-10-11-12 Vine to the right, end with a left kick
13-14-15-16 Vine left, end with a right kick
17-18 Step to the side with the right foot, kick left
19-20 Step to the side with left foot, kick right
21-22-23-24 Double right heel forward, double right toe back
25-26 Stomp right foot next to left, swivel heels left
27-28 Swivel heels to right, making a 1/4 turn left, kick right foot forward
29-30 Shuffle step back, beginning with the right foot
31-32 Shuffle step back, beginning with the left foot
Repeat to end of music
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