Herbs for Beauty and Health

Please remember if you are sick, seek medical attention!

Honey Cough Syrup

1 teaspoon each licorice root, marshmallow root
and plantain leaf
1 teaspoon thyme leaf
1 pint water
4 tablespoons honey
4 ounces glycerin
1/8 teaspoon anise essential oil (optional)
Prepare a triple strength tea by simmering the herbs in water for 10 minutes, then steeping for 20 minutes. Strain the tea, then stir in honey and glycerin while the tea is still warm. Finally, add essential oil, if you're using it. Take 1 tablespoon at a time. (This recipe is suitable for children, but NOT for infants, who should not have honey.) Stored in a cool place, this syrup will keep for 2 weeks. Stored in the refrigerator, it will keep for several months.

Reference: Herbs for Health and Healing by: Kathi Keville, Director of the American Herb Association
More will be added to this section as soon as I find the time :-)

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This page was last updated 04/29/2005